We took a break and walked Murphy along the river in the Albany town forest Friday morning. This was one of his first walks ever when he was a puppy. He had a great time and was fabulous about staying ‘in touch’ on the trail, never getting too far ahead without a bounding return to check in. While he is still not swimming, he loves to walk into the water to cool off.

Prancing into the lower swift. Remarkably low water for this time of year
Prancing into the lower swift. Remarkably low water for this time of year

Here is Murphy 546 days earlier – November 29 2013



And from the same spot yesterday,



I asked Sally to pick him up but she said he was too wet.


The Albany Town Forest is a sliver of land (300 acres) between the Kanc (112) and the swift river and is a gem of a spot known mostly to only locals. It is not marked from the road and you have to know about it to find it. The trails provide a wonderful walk along the river and are well maintained and clearly marked. Popular with dog walkers, trail runners and mountain bikers – it is a great asset to the community. It is 4.8 miles from Mittenstock and is a popular destination for us when we are looking for a quick walk.