Sometimes, well, always – I don’t post shots from outside of Mittendom.

Time for some exceptions.

There is more snow on the coast than here – this first shot was after one of those 20″ + storms as I Murphy and I headed out for a snow shoe at noon the day after. I call it ‘first tracks’

First Tracks
First Tracks

WinterDay from Michael Hassey on Vimeo.

I also got a nice capture looking back up at the homestead after taking the trash down the driveway one morning. I have begun to use a circular polarizer more and am learning it’s application and craft


Now that the ‘short loop’ is broken in, we tend to run around than whenever we get the chance.




WalkingTheDog from Michael Hassey on Vimeo.

Breakfast done – Saturday morning in Mittenstock and time to head out for a day of adventure with Sally and Murphy in the snow. The summits are covered in clouds and a light snow is falling – it is nearly equally tempting to stay in and let ‘auditive escape’ work it’s magic on my neurons as it is to join the majesty that reigns outside our door and return with more adventures to report on. We choose the later.